Product Price Quantity Total  
Delivery hose SK65/3"x10000 059170004
Delivery hose SK65-3 x4500 253306001
Delivery hose SK80-4 1/2 x10000 261421004
Delivery hose SK125/5,5 x10000 ND 259907006
Delivery hose SK125/5,5 x12000 ND 259489003
Ball cock DN13 R1/2" 000042245
SEALING , RUBBER $46/170 000126413
Drain cock 3/8" 001314009
Delivery hose PX65-3 x5000 253868002
O-RING 6 X 2 000181626
Delivery hose SK100/4,5 x2850 ND 057607003
Delivery hose SK100/4 x2850 ND 016150009
Delivery hose SK100/4 x4000 ND 089624009
Lever press with hose 000211006
Delivery hose SK125/5,5 x4000 ND 089983009
Hose clip Ø50-70x14,3 001057007
Pump hose Dn100x3300 000130791
CONC.PUMP GUID.HOSE 125/2500 000126383
Sealing compound 310ml 000303008
NARROW V-BELT SPA 900LW 000180562
Delivery pipe 36 SK100/4,5x3000 056863000
Delivery pipe ZX125-5 x1000 HD 051801009
Delivery pipe 40 SK125/5,5x3000 056851009
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Subtotal $4,885.94


Shipping to Hebei / 河北.

Total $4,885.94

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